THIS AGREEMENT is made between the undersigned Capital Bark Park, and the undersigned dog handler (hereinafter referred to as the “Dog Handler”), and the parties hereto agree as follows:
- The Dog Handler agrees that they are aware of the dangers of the use of Capital Bark Park’s property, including but not limited to: ticks and other insects, poison ivy, wild parsnip, uneven terrain, wildlife including bears, coyotes, foxes, deer, raccoons and other wildlife. I will wear appropriated clothing and footwear to protect from the elements and hazards of the environment.
- Capital Bark Park, and/or anyone acting on her behalf, make no representations, warranties, or guaranties that the park is free from ticks or for the complete safety of any dog(s).
- The Dog Handler acknowledges that measures have been taken to secure the play area with fencing, but that it is the Dog Handler’s responsibility to always supervise their dog(s) and prevent their dog(s) from attempting to escape.
- The Dog Handler understands and acknowledges that natural elements, such as tree branches or animals burrowing under may damage the fence and there are natural gaps under gates for wheels and movement.
- The Dog Handler will always maintain awareness of their dog’s location on the property and Capital Bark Park is not responsible should the Dog Handler’s dog(s) escape the fencing.
- The Dog Handler acknowledges and agrees that they are aware that measures have been taken to minimize the likelihood of other people or dogs arriving on the property during their visit, however the Dog Handler fully understands that there is no guarantee of 100% privacy during their visit.
- The Dog Handler understands that Capital Bark Park is not able to control the actions of the public or other clients or prevent them from arriving on the property during the Dog Handler’s booking.
- The Dog Handler understands that there is potential risk involved to themselves, other guests & clients, Capital Bark Park’s dog(s) and other guest/clients' dogs when using this facility at 451 Golden Line Road, ON including but not limited to: the parking area, trails, walkways, fields, play yard, obstacles, play equipment and agility equipment.
- The Dog Handler acknowledges and understands that walking/playing surfaces are not level and may be slippery due to various weather conditions such as rain, snow and ice.
- The Dog Handler acknowledges and understands that at any time Capital Bark Park may have naturally occurring hazards including but not limited to: uneven terrain, holes, rocks, roots, weeds, insects and wildlife that have the potential to be harmful to people and/or dogs.
- By clicking below, the Dog Handler accepts any and all responsibility for any and all injuries, damages, and/or claims of any kind suffered by Capital Bark Park, Capital Bark Park’s dog(s), other dog handlers and other dog handler’s dog(s) booked with their appointment which may result from any reason in the Dog Handler’s use of Capital Bark Park’s property.
- The Dog Handler hereby indemnifies and saves harmless Capital Bark Park, Capital Bark Park’s Dog(s), other dog handlers and/or other dog handler’s dog(s) from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, suites, losses, costs, insurance claims, charges, expenses, damages, and all liabilities whatsoever which Capital Bark Park, other guests, Capital Bark Park’s Dog(s) and/or other guest’s dog(s) may pay, sustain, suffer or incur by reason of the Dog Handler’s use of Capital Bark Park’s property.
- The Dog Handler acknowledges that it has carefully read this waiver and understand its contents.
- The Dog Handler acknowledges that they have shared these terms with any and all guests/clients that will be joining the Dog Handler and they have acknowledged and agreed to the same terms.
- The Dog Handler and/or other guests are aware that by checking the box below, they are waiving certain legal rights, including the right to sue Capital Bark Park.
- The Dog Handler, and anyone that accompanies the Dog Handler or anyone that the Dog Handler brings on their behalf, accept the terms of the Liability Waiver.